Wednesday, February 27, 2008


so with my jame-dala's advice, I decided to make a blog, and keep up with whats going on via rants & photos along my city girls. I don't have the most reliable internet connection, so I might not be too up to date at most time.. I am however usually bored in class.

mine and ashley's topless tuesday (aka 9-5 workday then homework at the library) was successful yet again, even though I was up until 2am finishing a project for class at 8am this morning. I am exhausted, and having class with ONLY five people, and the most silent five people I've ever met, makes me even more tired. thank goodness i finally invested in an ipod.

i've been working harder at getting all of my work done for classes, but i'm so much less motivated here then i was in the city, and i'm working full time still. jamie helped me alot with pictures.. my kimmel center & magic garden panoramics and our tyler park escapades.